A Heavy Load
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Berrrrrrrrrrrrr We are having some very cold December days here in Mississippi. We even saw a few snowflakes
Sunday, not enough to call out the snowplows, but nevertheless we got excited and dreamed of walking in a winter wonderland.
Walking is the safest thing to do if it actually does snow here. Mississippi folks just aren't programmed to drive in snow and ice.
Today a little ice and snow are once again in the forecast for later in the week I heard. People here now will rush to go and get everything done they need to do today. Grocery stores will be packed.
Speaking of getting where you need to go; this morning in McDonald's there was a man, a trucker, asking for directions. He was looking for a street that was only a couple blocks up the street. How in the world did he miss it? The young girl at the counter, with the best intentions I am sure, was giving him directions halfway around the world when all he had to do was drive a couple of blocks.
At first, I sat and just listened, wondering if I should venture to give directions, something I am not that good at. But listening to the girl saying left, right, leftover and over I decided I should speak.
I said, "Excuse me," pointed to a red light. and said, "Turn left there." He thanked me and explained he wanted to get where he was going before any ice came. He said, "The load is so heavy I am carrying, it is so hard to get turned around if I go the wrong direction."
As I watched him pull out on the highway, I thought of heavy loads we all carry at times. Sometimes it seems we will never get where we need to be to unload. It would be such a relief to find a clear path and cruise right on into the perfect spot and lighten the load we have carried for so long. We are often misguided by people who's intentions are to help, but they often hinder and send us off in a direction we surely don't want to go. When we finally do find the place we need to be, we are so amazed how simple it was to find, how close it was and wonder why we didn't just go there in the first place.
Today if you are carrying a very heavy load, may I please offer you simple directions? Stop, turn, and go to JESUS. He will give you rest for the journey ahead of you. He will lead you and place your feet on solid ground. You will not stumble or slide. He will not misguide you. Why continue on down a slippery slope where it only becomes harder and harder to turn around?
They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back. I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am Israel's father, and Ephraim is my firstborn son. Jeremiah 31:13