During Hour Church Sunday morning, Pastor mentioned The Judgment Seat. 

As he did I had a very real vision of what that may be like.  I wrote this poem about that vision.

I pray we are all prepared for the day when each of us will stand in front of that seat.



For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the

things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. II Corinthians 5:10


The Judgment Seat


As I stood there looking up I have never felt so very small.

To the left and right stood two white columns that were so very tall.

In the middle of these was a white chair arrayed with the finest gold.

The seat was of fine red velvet which matched the carpet which was unrolled.

Then a procession marched in on the velvet runner from each side.

As the trumpeters marched in I could only hear the words, “Holy, holy, holy.” being cried.

Then I saw them - the angels with wings of the brightest white.

Amongst the angels lightning’s, shining stars, and golden sunbeams burst into my sight.

At that moment I knew without a doubt exactly where it was that I stood.

This was the place the story of my life would be told, both the bad and the good.

I remember my knees shaking and my stomach going weak.

I remember a bright light shining down on me as a thundering voice began to speak.

At that moment all I could feel was sorrow and remorse for each mistake I had made.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as in my mind the story of my life was replayed.

Yes, there were things I had done for which I felt such shame.

Yes, I had asked forgiveness, but I remembered them just the same.

There were so many bad things I had done that were mixed in amongst the good.

I prayed so hard that all these things had been completely covered by Christ’ blood.

I closed my eyes and listened to the words that were coming from the throne.

A voice said, “My child are you here alone?

Do you have anyone to speak in your defense for your many misdeeds?

Oh, and have you any evidence to show, have you planted any seeds?”

I opened my mouth but didn’t know what would be the best thing I could say.

I thought for a second how I had never expected it to be like this on Judgment Day.

Just as I fell to my knees and readied myself to enter my plea,

I heard a kind voice ask that mercy be shown towards me.

A nail-scarred hand reached down and pulled me to my feet.

My Savior escorted me nearer to the judgment seat.

He said, “Fear not for you once asked me into your heart,

Since that day from your side, I did not depart.

I was with you every step of the way pulling you away from evil and sin;

Covering you with my blood protecting you, and making sure you would enter in.

You have endured to the end as by my grace, mercy, and love you have grown,

Now child your judgment this day you will not face all alone.”

Such joy filled my being as I began to smile.

Jesus had been standing with me all the while.

As I heard the words, “Well done” being spoken from the seat,

I took giant steps forward and my heart skipped a beat.

Such joy - such glory - such marvelous grace

Such peace - such completion as I looked at His beautiful face.

I knew He had saved me from an eternity of hell which I deserved as my fate.

As happily hand in hand with my Savior I walked through Heaven’s gate.