The Night Cometh
As many of you know last Monday night my sixteen-year-old grandson was killed in an automobile accident. It was a very trying week and for the first time in eight years, I failed to send out my weekly devotional. I really didn't remember that I forgot to do this until last night. Someone who gets the devotional every week called and told me she knew something must be wrong when she didn't get the "story" last week.
I did continue to send the short minute devotionals every morning throughout the week. I did this after a huge struggle. It was such a big deal for me to get the first short one sent after Austin died is why I probably forgot all about the weekly one. You see just as the phone call came on Monday night that told us of the wreck I had just sent out the morning minute devotional for Monday. This is what I was writing as my grandson was being struck by an oncoming car, having a truck land on top of him, and struggling to survive.
Morning Minute 9-14
Our time here is very brief. We must make every single moment of every day count for the cause of Christ. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work John 9:4 May we never experience this... The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah 8:20
At the hospital sitting in CCU waiting to hear whether Austin made it through emergency surgery to repair his liver, I read the words I had written. At that time, just for a brief moment, I felt I could never write again. I didn't question God as to who He was, but I did question Him as to why He would allow me to write these words without clearly showing me what was happening to Austin and giving me some power to do something to prevent it. I felt those words and all the words I could ever write were now useless.
In a little while, we were called to a room and a doctor told us there was nothing he could do. In the next little while, a nurse came in and told us Austin was gone.
After that time didn't really standstill, but more like just disappeared completely.
I remember very little about Tuesday. It is just a blur of funeral directors, cemetery keepers, and gravediggers; of phone calls, hugs, tears, and people coming and going. I do know God was there speaking to me; for on Tuesday night I did somehow bring myself to write again around midnight. It was very short and simple, but God directed me to this verse.
Morning Minute 9-15
GOD roars from Zion, shouts from Jerusalem. Earth and sky quake in terror. But GOD is a safe hiding place, a granite safe house for the children of Israel Joel 3:16 Lord, be my safe hiding place today.
God truly was my safe hiding place all week. God has spoken many things to me very clearly all week. One thing is God did assure me that Austin was saved. Even though the summer had ended for him and he would never work here, he is in Heaven. My husband had the opportunity to whisper prayers in his ears before he passed. I believe God honored those prayers and allowed Austin's ears to hear and accept Jesus as his Savior. If I had not written that verse earlier that evening I don't believe I would have thought to ask my husband to pray the prayer with him. I believe I would have been so overcome with emotion that I would have been passed thinking if it had not been for God revealing His Word to me that I needed to make sure Austin was saved.
I do not understand a lot of things, but I do know God is still in control of all things. We truly must work the works of Him who sent us while it is day for the night cometh when none of us shall work. The harvest is not passed now. The summer is not ended yet. Whatever gift and means God has given you to reach the world for Christ, do it for the night cometh.